Company NaftaGaz

We are a modern independent oilfield service company engaged in construction of wells of all types and any complexity. We are a reliable business partner and responsible employer.

Energy, Ambition, Efficient Process, Guaranteed Success


independent drilling company
in Russia

Our Mission

1 / true

We honour all our commitments to our Clients – professionally and on time

volume (m)
Drilling volume (m)

6 800 000 + 6 800 000 +

  • 1700+ +
  • 84 %
  • 13 billion
  • 2500+ +
Tural Kerimov

Management message

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of the

Management message

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Naftagaz is one of key drilling contractors in Yamal-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrugs, Tyumen and Tomsk Oblasts. The Company is on the path of sustainable growth outlined by our long-term business strategy approved by...

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Area of Operations Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug,
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug,
Krasnoyarsk Krai,
Tyumen and Tomsk Oblasts


Head Office Moscow



Company History












January 14, 2013

January 14, 2013 is the foundation date of Naftagaz-Drilling

September 2014

Start of Naftagaz cooperation with Gazpromneft

October 2014

The first oil well drilled at the Verkhne-Shapshinskoye field

September 2014

Launch of Vostok project

March 2015

Launch of YAMAL project

September 2015

Drilling of the first horizontal well started at NOVATEK Yarudeyskoye field

December 2015

Drillers of Naftagaz have drilled 100,000 meters

March 2016

Launch of Varyogan and Khantos projects

November 2016

500,000 meters drilled

July 18, 2016

July 18, 2016 – the founding of NaftaGaz Management Company

June 2017

NaftaGaz becomes a member of the Coordination Council of Gazpromneft Contractors Association

July 2017

An online trading platform has been launched for Naftagaz suppliers

August 17, 2017

August 17, 2017 – the foundation of Naftagaz-Service

September 2017

Naftagaz started drilling at Rosneft facilities

December 2022

NaftaGaz is the best drilling contractor of Gazpromneft PJSC in 2022

October 2017

The first million meters drilled since the company foundation date

March 2018

Naftagaz and SberLeasing signed a cooperation agreement

May 2018

Agreement with VTB Leasing for lease of equipment and special machinery for 5 billion roubles

August 2018

Naftagaz produced reporting according to IFRS standards for the first time

August 2018

The first professional skill contest "The Best in Trade" held among Naftagaz employees

October 2018

The record drilling rate – 5.83 days for 1,000 meters in the South part of the Priobskoye field

November 2018

Opening of the internal Drilling Foremen, Supervisors and Drillers School

November 2018

Naftagaz-Drilling became a member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC)

March 2019

Naftagaz-Drilling added to the list of Gazpromneft leading contractors

December 2019

Naftagaz has drilled 2,000,000 meters for Gazpromneft

December 2019

A record total annual drilling meterage of more than 755,000 meters was achieved

May 2020

Naftagaz drilled the first well to a depth of more than 5,400 meters using a BU 3000 EUK-1M drilling rig

September 2020

Naftagaz-Drilling added to the list of strategic companies of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation

September 2020

Naftagaz launched the implementation of the first Zapolyarye gas project (Gazprom facility) under the contract with Gazpromneft-Zapolyarye

November 2020

Naftagaz has drilled 3 million meters since its foundation

December 2020

The investment program of Naftagaz in 2020 amounted to almost one billion roubles (921 million RUB)

March 2021

NaftaGaz obtained accreditation for another period of work on the projects of the world's largest oil producing company NK Rosneft.

June 2021

ACRA rating agency assigned Naftagaz-Drilling the credit rating of BBB(RU); forecast “stable”

July 2021

Naftagaz specialists have drilled 3 million meters at Gazpromneft facilities since 2014. Over this period, 720 oil and gas wells were drilled to completion; 70% of these are horizontal wells.

December 2022

NaftaGaz is the best drilling contractor of Gazpromneft PJSC in 2022

July 2023

The first new modular residential complex for NaftaGaz drilling crews built

The core business activities are drilling of oil and gas wells and full range of rig-up services