To inform on imminent crimes, actual or reasonably suspected economic, financial or goodwill damage to the interests and assets of the Group of Companies.
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Naftagaz has a proactive social position and strives for achievement of synergy of successful business with universal human values.
Naftagaz is a reliable and efficient partner. Our Company applies the latest management standards.
Open-mindedness and efficient procedures enable our Company to react to changes quickly and be flexible in decision-making. We take the responsibility for honouring our commitments to our Clients and Contractors very seriously.

Safety first. Protection of life and health of Naftagaz personnel and contractors, integrity of assets, reliability of equipment and environmental protection are critical to our Company's sustainable development. The target of Naftagaz occupational safety policy is zero injuries and accidents. To achieve this goal, Naftagaz utilizes all the experience gained both through its own operations and study of the industry best practices. Many initiatives and tools have been developed in this area, and their application ensures occupational safety of personnel at all levels.
sustainability priorities
are reflected in the following corporate documents:

Occupational Safety Policy

Environmental Protection Policy

Safe Vehicle Operation Policy

Quality Management Policy

Energy Efficiency Policy

Social, Labour, and Economic Relations Between the Employer and Personnel.

Occupational Safety Policy

Environmental Protection Policy

Safe Vehicle Operation Policy

Quality Management Policy

Energy Efficiency Policy

Social, Labour, and Economic Relations Between the Employer and Personnel.
Naftagaz has a proactive
social position and strives for
achievement of synergy of successful
business with universal
human values.

We are completely aware of our responsibility to our employees, the state, and community, and we are eager to contribute to the prosperity of the country and the well-being of its citizens. A warm-hearted participation in the lives of people in need, as well as our contribution to educational and sports projects, including the support for humanitarian and cultural initiatives, make us stronger, and our world – a better place to live in. The Company supports the communities within the area of its operations.
Community Support Projects
Go for Sports!
Russia –
a Multicultural
CountryRussia –
a Multicultu-
ral Country
Scientific and
Ecological ProjectsScientific and
Culture and Arts Project Support
Safeguarding Cultural Heritage

Naftagaz implements its charity program in the areas of its operation, and communicates directly with social security departments by rendering free aid to people experiencing hardships. For many years we have been helping Noyabrsk children from low-income families to get ready for school and celebrate the New Year’s Eve with joy.