Tsyfrovoye Bureniye Presented the Prospects of ADC Upgrading to Partners

Tsyfrovoye Bureniye Presented the Prospects of ADC Upgrading to Partners

A strategic Digital Drilling Rig 3.0 session was held in Perm, dedicated to the next stage of functionality development for automation of drilling processes. It was hosted by Tsyfrovoye Bureniye (TB) LLC, the IT division of NaftaGaz Group. The event was attended by representatives of Gazprom Neft PJSC and its subsidiaries, where the automatic drilling complex (ADC) developed by TB specialists is used.

At the test bench, the latest capabilities of the ADC were demonstrated in real time. The participants were shown the latest developments and were able to simulate various normal and emergency situations that may arise during drilling. They were convinced of the reliability of the automation and competed with ADC in terms of the speed and quality of drilling. The participants discussed the applicability of new functions for specific production companies, exchanged opinions on prospective directions and steps to be taken to develop automation in the industry.

Tsyfrovoye Bureniye LLC is a part of NaftaGaz Group. The key task is to develop technologies to optimize the process of oil and gas well construction in order to improve operational safety, minimize human factor, and obtain better economic results by reducing costs and drilling time. The core product of the company is an automatic drilling complex (ADC). This system includes:

•    Automatic maintenance of the RIH/POOH operations speed
•    Spin Master drill string surface oscillation module
•    Torque Master rotation irregularity reduction/damping module
•    Automatic bit feed system (ADF) and maintenance of specified drilling mode parameters
•    System of automated accounting and monitoring of hoist rope run time
•    System for selection of optimal drilling mode using MSE algorithms
•    Automated control system for drilling pumps

Currently, the use of this system has resulted in an average 10.5% increase in the mechanical penetration rate during well construction and 8.3% in the voyage penetration rate. Today all drilling rigs at NG-Bureniye are equipped with this system, and more than 400 wells have been completed using the same. Furthermore, the complexes have been installed at BU ENGS, Gazprom Bureniye, RN-Yuganskneftegaz, TNG-Group and UPNP&KRS JSC. Tsyfrovoye Bureniye operates at 13 fields in total.