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Learn moreThe ABF Module Has Shown High Performance Results during Well Construction

Crew No. 10 led by foreman Ivan Kochetkov (NaftaGaz Group) under the supervision and with the support of Dmitriy Rassuev, drilling automation software engineer of Tsyfrovoye Bureniye LLC, from June 10 to June 22 at pad No. 2.1, Tazovskoye field, performed scheduled cuts by the automatic drilling complex (ADC) system with the automatic bit feeder (ABF) module at BU-3900/225 EK.
The ABF module during cutting is an efficient technology that allows maintaining the set bit feed rate smoothly from the start to the end of the cut, eliminating the human factor to the greatest extent possible. It allows following the cutting programs more accurately and, consequently, reducing the time allocated for this operation, avoiding unscheduled stops. This is confirmed by the results regarding the time spent for 5 cuts in drilled well 2116 using Fish Bone technology.
• FB2 in the interval of 1,749 m – 11,764 m; the cut time was 5.2 hours
• FB3 in the interval of 1,952 m – 1,962 m; the cut time was 6 hours
• FB4 in the interval of 2,268 m – 22,278 m; the cut time was 3.4 hours
• FB5 in the interval of 2,462 m – 2,472 m; the cut time was 5.4 hours
• GS (main trunk) in the interval of 2,704 m – 2,714 m; the cut time was 3.4 hours
8 hours were allocated for each cut according to the work plan (geology and geophysics data), resulting in a net time saving of 14.6 hours (35%).
The 5FB+GS well was drilled for the first time in this field using a guided bottom hole assembly (BHA) with a helical downhole motor (HDM). Previously, similar wells had been drilled using rotary steerable systems (RSS) and motorized rotary steerable systems that were incorporated into the BHA prior to drilling FB4 or FB5. This also had the added economic benefit of saving time per BHA assembly/disassembly cycle (4 to 8 hours per cycle), as well as the cost savings when abandoning the RSS in favor of guided BHA with HDM.
Tsyfrovoye Bureniye LLC is an IT division of NaftaGaz Group, the key task of which is to develop technologies to optimize the process of oil and gas well construction in order to improve operational safety, minimize the human factor, and obtain higher economic results by reducing costs and drilling time. The main product of the company is the automatic drilling complex (ADC). The use of this system to date has resulted in an average 10.5% increase in the mechanical penetration rate during well construction and 8.3% in the voyage penetration rate. As of the end of 2023, all 26 drilling rigs at NG-Bureniye are equipped with this system, and more than 300 wells have been completed using the same. Further to that, the complexes are installed on the drilling rigs of ENGS LLC and UPNP&KRS JSC. In total, Tsyfrovoye Bureniye operates at 13 fields.