Summer Expedition to Study the Caspian Seal is Set to Start

Summer Expedition to Study the Caspian Seal is Set to Start

On July 28, the summer expedition under the Program for Monitoring the Status of the Caspian Seal Population and Developing Effective Conservation Measures begins. It will last until early August and will take place in the Russian part of the Caspian Sea area, including the main island haul-outs on Maly Zhemchuzhny and Chechen islands, as well as feeding grounds in the Middle and Northern Caspian Sea. Scientists will conduct natural population studies, sampling of biomaterials and habitat components to identify adverse factors affecting the population.

The expedition included leading marine mammal specialists from the Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development of Dagestan State University (Makhachkala) and the Research Institute of Virology of the Fundamental and Translational Medicine of the Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk). On Maly Zhemchuzhny Island, as well as in the adjacent water area in the Northern Caspian Sea, expeditionary research will be conducted jointly with the Astrakhan State Biosphere Reserve.

The fact of the catastrophic decline in seal population necessitates the further accumulation of information on the objective picture of the spatial distribution of the species population. In this regard, it is proposed to install the first batch of instrumental fixation means (camera traps) in the Astrakhansky Reserve and to conduct a survey of local fishermen in the coastal settlements of Dagestan on the frequency of seal sightings in spring and summer of 2024.

The data collected during the expedition research will be analyzed in the environmental monitoring laboratory of the Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development of Dagestan State University, in the laboratory of the Research Institute of Virology of the Fundamental and Translational Medicine, as well as in the Kurchatov Genomic Center of the Research Center Kurchatov Institute.

Last October, NaftaGaz Oilfield Services Company and the KOMPAS National Fund for Support and Development of Environmental Initiatives signed a cooperation agreement, which implies the implementation of joint initiatives, including the protection of populations of rare, endangered species of plants and animals.

In particular, NaftaGaz became a partner of KOMPAS in the Caspian seal monitoring and conservation program. The project has been implemented since the beginning of 2023 jointly with the Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development of Dagestan State University. Scientists are working to identify the reasons for the decline in the population of this red-listed animal, which plays an important role in the Caspian ecosystem.

The Caspian seal population is in critical condition after the mass mortality that occurred in December 2022. Surveys conducted in spring and summer together with the KOMPAS Foundation revealed a catastrophically low density of seals in the places of their seasonal stay both on island rookeries and in the seawater area. In order to understand how to ensure the maintenance of the Caspian seal, the efforts of all Caspian states must be consolidated as soon as possible to adopt a comprehensive plan for the conservation of the species over the next 5-10 years.

The Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature assigns the status of "Endangered" to the Caspian seal; this endemic animal is on the Red Books of all Caspian Sea countries.

NaftaGaz is one of the largest independent oilfield service companies in Russia operating in the Far North. Realizing the importance of biodiversity and ecosystem conservation in our country, it traditionally supports volunteer, scientific and research projects in this area. Furthermore, it is actively involved in the initiatives contributing to the preservation and promotion of national culture and history. The company is a trustee of the All-Russian Museum of Decorative Arts and an official partner of a large-scale project, the Biennale of Object Design Contest Devised and Made in Russia. NaftaGaz also provided assistance in creating the artistic concept of the Mammoth Room bone-carving art center in Salekhard, to name just a few.